Descriptor English: Decolonization
Descriptor Spanish: Decolonización
Descriptor descolonización
Descriptor Portuguese: Descolonização
Descriptor French: Décolonisation
Entry term(s): Decoloniality
Tree number(s): SP3.311.900.898.314.559
Scope note: The process of overcoming colonialism. (Free translation from
Allowable Qualifiers: EC economics
ED education
PX psychology
DeCS ID: 60772
Unique ID: DDCS060772
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date of Entry: 2024/01/04
Decolonization - Preferred
Concept UI FD00068585
Scope note The process of overcoming colonialism. (Free translation from
Preferred term Decolonization
Decoloniality - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI FD00068586
Preferred term Decoloniality

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