Descriptor English: Human-Animal Interaction
Descriptor Spanish: Interacción Humano-Animal
Descriptor interacción humano-animal
Entry term(s) comunicación animal-humano
comunicación animal-ser humano
comunicación humano-animal
comunicación ser humano-animal
interacción ser humano-animal
relación humano-animal
relación ser humano-animal
Scope note: Toda situación en la que existe un intercambio entre seres humanos y animales a nivel individual o cultural. Estas interacciones son diversas e idiosincrásicas, y pueden ser breves o profundas. (Traducción libre del original:, consultado el 22/08/2019).
Descriptor Portuguese: Interação Humano-Animal
Descriptor French: Interaction entre l'homme et l'animal
Entry term(s): Animal Human Communication
Animal-Human Communication
Animal-Human Communications
Communication, Animal-Human
Communication, Human-Animal
Communications, Animal-Human
Communications, Human-Animal
Human Animal Communication
Human Animal Interaction
Human Animal Relationship
Human-Animal Communication
Human-Animal Communications
Human-Animal Interactions
Human-Animal Relationship
Human-Animal Relationships
Interaction, Human-Animal
Interactions, Human-Animal
Relationship, Human-Animal
Relationships, Human-Animal
Tree number(s): F01.145.496
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Encompasses any situation where there is interchange between human(s) and animal(s) at an individual or cultural level. These interactions are diverse and idiosyncratic, and may be fleeting or profound. ( accessed 8/22/2019).
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
DE drug effects
ES ethics
Public MeSH Note: 2021
History Note: 2021
DeCS ID: 59314
Unique ID: D000081762
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2021/01/01
Date of Entry: 2020/07/07
Revision Date: 2020/06/18
Human-Animal Interaction - Preferred
Concept UI M000654637
Scope note Encompasses any situation where there is interchange between human(s) and animal(s) at an individual or cultural level. These interactions are diverse and idiosyncratic, and may be fleeting or profound. ( accessed 8/22/2019).
Preferred term Human-Animal Interaction
Entry term(s) Human Animal Interaction
Human-Animal Interactions
Interaction, Human-Animal
Interactions, Human-Animal
Human-Animal Relationship - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M000733388
Scope note Encompasses any situation where there is interchange between human(s) and animal(s) at an individual or cultural level. These interactions are diverse and idiosyncratic, and may be fleeting or profound. ( accessed 8/22/2019).
Scope note Encompasses any situation where there is interchange between human(s) and animal(s) at an individual or cultural level. These interactions are diverse and idiosyncratic, and may be fleeting or profound. ( accessed 8/22/2019).
Preferred term Human-Animal Relationship
Entry term(s) Human Animal Relationship
Human-Animal Relationships
Relationship, Human-Animal
Relationships, Human-Animal
Animal-Human Communication - Narrower
Concept UI M000655540
Scope note Encompasses any situation where there is interchange between human(s) and animal(s) at an individual or cultural level. These interactions are diverse and idiosyncratic, and may be fleeting or profound. ( accessed 8/22/2019).
Scope note Encompasses any situation where there is interchange between human(s) and animal(s) at an individual or cultural level. These interactions are diverse and idiosyncratic, and may be fleeting or profound. ( accessed 8/22/2019).
Preferred term Animal-Human Communication
Entry term(s) Animal Human Communication
Animal-Human Communications
Communication, Animal-Human
Communication, Human-Animal
Communications, Animal-Human
Communications, Human-Animal
Human Animal Communication
Human-Animal Communication
Human-Animal Communications

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