Descriptor English: Blood Flow Restriction Therapy
Descriptor Spanish: Terapia de Restricción del Flujo Sanguíneo
Descriptor terapia de restricción del flujo sanguíneo
Entry term(s) ejercicio de restricción del flujo sanguíneo
entrenamiento de restricción del flujo sanguíneo
terapia RFS
Scope note: Técnica que combina el ejercicio de baja intensidad con la oclusión del flujo sanguíneo mediante el uso de un manguito. El manguito se coloca cerca del músculo que se está ejercitando, recreando así una HIPOXIA para imitar los efectos del ejercicio de alta intensidad.
Descriptor Portuguese: Terapia de Restrição de Fluxo Sanguíneo
Descriptor French: Thérapie de restriction du débit sanguin
Entry term(s): BFR Therapies
BFR Therapy
Blood Flow Restriction Exercise
Blood Flow Restriction Training
Therapy, BFR
Tree number(s): E02.760.169.063.500.387.125
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A technique which combines low intensity exercise with blood flow occlusion by use of a cuff. The cuff is placed close to the muscle being exercised thereby recreating a HYPOXIA to mimic the effects of high intensity exercise.
Allowable Qualifiers: AE adverse effects
CL classification
EC economics
ES ethics
HI history
IS instrumentation
MO mortality
MT methods
NU nursing
PX psychology
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
VE veterinary
Previous Indexing: Exercise (2007-2021)
Public MeSH Note: 2022
History Note: 2022
DeCS ID: 59756
Unique ID: D000090003
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2022/01/01
Date of Entry: 2021/07/09
Revision Date: 2021/05/10
Blood Flow Restriction Therapy - Preferred
Concept UI M000745298
Scope note A technique which combines low intensity exercise with blood flow occlusion by use of a cuff. The cuff is placed close to the muscle being exercised thereby recreating a HYPOXIA to mimic the effects of high intensity exercise.
Preferred term Blood Flow Restriction Therapy
Entry term(s) BFR Therapies
BFR Therapy
Blood Flow Restriction Exercise
Blood Flow Restriction Training
Therapy, BFR

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