Descriptor English: Random Forest
Descriptor Spanish: Bosques Aleatorios
Descriptor bosque aleatorio
Entry term(s) algoritmo de bosque aleatorio
clasificación de bosque aleatorio
Scope note: Algoritmo utilizado en el análisis de decisiones y en el APRENDIZAJE AUTOMÁTICO que utiliza un conjunto de árboles para combinar la salida de múltiples ÁRBOLES DE DECISIONES generados aleatoriamente. La clase final de cada árbol se agrega y evalúa mediante valores ponderados para construir el clasificador final.
Descriptor Portuguese: Algoritmo Florestas Aleatórias
Descriptor French: Forêts aléatoires
Entry term(s): Algorithm, Random Forest
Classification, Random Forest
Random Forest Algorithm
Random Forest Algorithms
Random Forest Classification
Random Forest Classifications
Random Forests
Tree number(s): G17.035.485.250
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: An algorithm used in decision analysis and MACHINE LEARNING that uses a set of trees to combine output of multiple, randomly generated DECISION TREES. The final class of each tree is aggregated and evaluated by weighted values to construct the final classifier.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Previous Indexing: Algorithms (2004-2022)
Public MeSH Note: 2023
History Note: 2023
DeCS ID: 60192
Unique ID: D000093743
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2023/01/01
Date of Entry: 2022/07/08
Revision Date: 2022/07/08
Random Forest - Preferred
Concept UI M000754621
Scope note An algorithm used in decision analysis and MACHINE LEARNING that uses a set of trees to combine output of multiple, randomly generated DECISION TREES. The final class of each tree is aggregated and evaluated by weighted values to construct the final classifier.
Preferred term Random Forest
Entry term(s) Algorithm, Random Forest
Classification, Random Forest
Random Forest Algorithm
Random Forest Algorithms
Random Forest Classification
Random Forest Classifications
Random Forests

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