Descriptor English: Methylene Blue
Descriptor Spanish: Azul de Metileno
Descriptor azul de metileno
Entry term(s) azul básico 9
azul de uroleno
azul suizo
cloruro de metiltionina
cloruro de metiltioninio
Scope note: Compuesto constituido por cristales verde oscuros o polvo cristalino, que brillan como el bronce. Las soluciones acuosas o alcohólicas tienen un color azul oscuro. El azul de metileno se utiliza como colorante bacteriológico y como indicador. Inhibe la GUANILATO CICLASA y se ha utilizado para tratar la intoxicación por cianuro y para reducir los niveles de METAHEMOGLOBINA.
Descriptor Portuguese: Azul de Metileno
Descriptor French: Bleu de méthylène
Entry term(s): Basic Blue 9
Blue 9, Basic
Blue N, Methylene
Blue, Methylene
Blue, Swiss
Blue, Urolene
Methylene Blue N
Methylthionine Chloride
Methylthioninium Chloride
Swiss Blue
Urolene Blue
Tree number(s): D02.886.369.517
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A compound consisting of dark green crystals or crystalline powder, having a bronze-like luster. Solutions in water or alcohol have a deep blue color. Methylene blue is used as a bacteriologic stain and as an indicator. It inhibits GUANYLATE CYCLASE, and has been used to treat cyanide poisoning and to lower levels of METHEMOGLOBIN.
Allowable Qualifiers: AA analogs & derivatives
AD administration & dosage
AE adverse effects
AN analysis
CH chemistry
CL classification
CS chemical synthesis
EC economics
HI history
IP isolation & purification
ME metabolism
PD pharmacology
PK pharmacokinetics
PO poisoning
RE radiation effects
SD supply & distribution
ST standards
TO toxicity
TU therapeutic use
Pharm Action: Enzyme Inhibitors
Registry Number: T42P99266K
CAS Type 1 Name: Phenothiazin-5-ium, 3,7-bis(dimethylamino)-, chloride
DeCS ID: 8936
Unique ID: D008751
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1966/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/01/01
Revision Date: 2018/07/05
Methylene Blue - Preferred
Concept UI M0013629
Scope note A compound consisting of dark green crystals or crystalline powder, having a bronze-like luster. Solutions in water or alcohol have a deep blue color. Methylene blue is used as a bacteriologic stain and as an indicator. It inhibits GUANYLATE CYCLASE, and has been used to treat cyanide poisoning and to lower levels of METHEMOGLOBIN.
Preferred term Methylene Blue
Entry term(s) Basic Blue 9
Blue 9, Basic
Blue N, Methylene
Blue, Methylene
Blue, Swiss
Methylene Blue N
Methylthionine Chloride
Methylthioninium Chloride
Swiss Blue
Chromosmon - Narrower
Concept UI M0354117
Preferred term Chromosmon
Urolene Blue - Narrower
Concept UI M0392720
Preferred term Urolene Blue
Entry term(s) Blue, Urolene

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