Descriptor English: Dietary Vitamins
Descriptor Spanish: Vitaminas en la Dieta
Descriptor vitaminas de la dieta
Scope note: Compuestos orgánicos, necesarios en cantidades muy pequeñas, que apoyan el funcionamiento fisiológico normal y que, generalmente, no puede ser biosintetizados a una velocidad suficiente para cubrir las necesidades del organismo.
Descriptor Portuguese: Vitaminas na Dieta
Descriptor French: Vitamines Alimentaires
Tree number(s): SP6.090.324.215.401.755
Scope note: Organic compounds, essentially in very small quantities, that support the normal physiological functioning, which generally can not be biosynthesized at rates equivalent to the body's needs.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 16539
Unique ID: DDCS016539
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Dietary Vitamins - Preferred
Concept UI FD00057809
Scope note Organic compounds, essentially in very small quantities, that support the normal physiological functioning, which generally can not be biosynthesized at rates equivalent to the body's needs.
Preferred term Dietary Vitamins

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