Descriptor English: Health Systems
Descriptor Spanish: Sistemas de Salud
Descriptor sistemas de salud
Entry term(s) sistema sanitario
Scope note: Red de servicios destinados a proporcionar a la población un nivel óptimo de salud, para protegerla del riesgo de enfermedades, para cubrir las necesidades de los individuos en materia de salud y distribuir equitativamente los servicios sanitarios. Entre sus funciones se incluyen: proporcionar servicios sanitarios, financiarlos, la generación de recursos, la supervisión y la regulación.
Descriptor Portuguese: Sistemas de Saúde
Descriptor French: Systèmes de Santé
Entry term(s): Health System
Tree number(s): SP1.852.900
Scope note: Network of services with the aim to provide the population an optimum level of health, to protect the risk of illness, to meet the individual needs of health and to distribute health services equitably. Its functions include the provision of health services, financing, resource generation, supervision and regulation.
Allowable Qualifiers: EC economics
HI history
LJ legislation & jurisprudence
OG organization & administration
ST standards
TD trends
DeCS ID: 20208
Unique ID: DDCS020208
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Health Systems - Preferred
Concept UI FD00057887
Scope note Network of services with the aim to provide the population an optimum level of health, to protect the risk of illness, to meet the individual needs of health and to distribute health services equitably. Its functions include the provision of health services, financing, resource generation, supervision and regulation.
Preferred term Health Systems
Entry term(s) Health System

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