Descriptor English: Essential Public Health Functions
Descriptor Spanish: Funciones Esenciales de la Salud Pública
Descriptor funciones esenciales de la sanidad pública
Entry term(s) servicios esenciales de salud publica
Scope note: Responsabilidad que debe asumir el estado en materia de salud pública. Dichas responsabilidades incluyen la ejecución directa de acciones especificas o actividades de salud pública, pero también la movilización, promoción, dirección y coordinación de otros agentes sociales. (traducción libre del original: OPS/OMS 2002 La salud pública en las Américas)
Descriptor Portuguese: Funções Essenciais da Saúde Pública
Descriptor French: Fonctions Essentielles de Santé Publique
Entry term(s): Essential Public Service
Essential Public Services
Public Health Essential Services
Tree number(s): SP1.101.150.300.235
Scope note: The responsibility that the state should take over in public health. It includes the direct execution of specific actions or activities of public health, but also the mobilization, promotion, guidance and coordination of other social agents. (Free translation from the original: OPS/OMS 2002 La salud pública en las Américas)
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 50210
Unique ID: DDCS050210
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Essential Public Health Functions - Preferred
Concept UI FD00061398
Scope note The responsibility that the state should take over in public health. It includes the direct execution of specific actions or activities of public health, but also the mobilization, promotion, guidance and coordination of other social agents. (Free translation from the original: OPS/OMS 2002 La salud pública en las Américas)
Preferred term Essential Public Health Functions
Entry term(s) Essential Public Service
Essential Public Services
Public Health Essential Services

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