Descriptor English: Food and Nutritional Health Promotion
Descriptor Spanish: Promoción de Salud Alimentaria y Nutricional
Descriptor promoción de la salud alimentaria y nutricional
Entry term(s) promoción de alimentos
Scope note: Conjunto de medidas para concienciar a la POBLACIÓN e incorporar a su DIETA un ALIMENTO que normalmente no se consume o se consume en una cantidad inadecuada. También incluye la difusión de nuevos métodos para usar ALIMENTOS conocidos.
Descriptor Portuguese: Promoção da Saúde Alimentar e Nutricional
Descriptor French: Promotion de la santé alimentaire et nutritionnelle
Entry term(s): Food Promotion
Tree number(s): SP6.810.243
Scope note: Set of measures to make the population aware of and incorporate to their diet a food not normally eaten, or that is in insufficient quantities to adequate food. It also includes the dissemination of new methods for using known foods.
Allowable Qualifiers: EC economics
ED education
LJ legislation & jurisprudence
MT methods
OG organization & administration
Related: Nutrition Technician DeCS
DeCS ID: 24455
Unique ID: DDCS024455
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Food and Nutritional Health Promotion - Preferred
Concept UI FD00057927
Scope note Set of measures to make the population aware of and incorporate to their diet a food not normally eaten, or that is in insufficient quantities to adequate food. It also includes the dissemination of new methods for using known foods.
Preferred term Food and Nutritional Health Promotion
Entry term(s) Food Promotion

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