Descriptor English: Collective Feeding
Descriptor Spanish: Alimentación Colectiva
Descriptor alimentación colectiva
Scope note: Provisión de ALIMENTOS a las guarderías infantiles, ESCUELAS, RESTAURANTES, HOTELES y establecimientos parecidos y a otras instituciones públicas o privadas.
Descriptor Portuguese: Alimentação Coletiva
Descriptor French: Alimentation Collective
Entry term(s): Industrial Feeding
Institutional Feeding
Tree number(s): SP6.810.809
Scope note: Providing meals to kindergartens, schools, commercial restaurants, hotels and alike, and to other public or private institutions.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 50323
Unique ID: DDCS050323
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Collective Feeding - Preferred
Concept UI FD00061479
Scope note Providing meals to kindergartens, schools, commercial restaurants, hotels and alike, and to other public or private institutions.
Preferred term Collective Feeding
Entry term(s) Industrial Feeding
Institutional Feeding

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