Descriptor English: Arthritism
Descriptor Spanish: Artritismo
Descriptor artritismo
Scope note: Predisposición a padecer patologías que afectan a las articulaciones.
Descriptor Portuguese: Artritismo
Descriptor French: Arthritisme
Tree number(s): HP1.007.262.808.139.207.089
Scope note: Individual predisposition to diseases of joint location. In Homeopathy, it concerns the organic reaction mode characterized by self-intoxication, with a tendency to sedimentation of catabolism products. They are varied disorders both in location and in nature, expressing a predisposition to diseases resulting from poor eating habits, incorrect lifestyle and physical and intellectual overload. Conceptually, it is equivalent to miasms.
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
EP epidemiology
HI history
MT methods
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
VE veterinary
DeCS ID: 26059
Unique ID: DDCS026059
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Arthritism - Preferred
Concept UI FD00058747
Scope note Individual predisposition to diseases of joint location. In Homeopathy, it concerns the organic reaction mode characterized by self-intoxication, with a tendency to sedimentation of catabolism products. They are varied disorders both in location and in nature, expressing a predisposition to diseases resulting from poor eating habits, incorrect lifestyle and physical and intellectual overload. Conceptually, it is equivalent to miasms.
Preferred term Arthritism

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