Descriptor English: Miasm Dynamics
Descriptor Spanish: Dinámica Miasmática
Descriptor dinámica miasmática
Scope note: Cambios en los patrones sintomáticos y los síntomas, tanto durante la enfermedad como en el proceso de curación, que indican si las condiciones de salud del organismo se dirigen hacia una mejoría o hacia un deterioro.
Descriptor Portuguese: Dinâmica Miasmática
Descriptor French: Dynamiques Miasmatiques
Tree number(s): HP1.007.262.808.139.207.122
Scope note: Changes in congenital or acquired predisposition and in the individual and chronic reaction mode of the organism. These are mobilizing actions and reactions, both towards illnesses, according to constitutional predispositions towards illness, and towards convalescence and health recovery.
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
EP epidemiology
HI history
MT methods
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
VE veterinary
Related: Miasm DeCS
DeCS ID: 26436
Unique ID: DDCS026436
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Miasm Dynamics - Preferred
Concept UI FD00059082
Scope note Changes in congenital or acquired predisposition and in the individual and chronic reaction mode of the organism. These are mobilizing actions and reactions, both towards illnesses, according to constitutional predispositions towards illness, and towards convalescence and health recovery.
Preferred term Miasm Dynamics

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