Descriptor English: Microscopy, Scanning Probe
Descriptor Spanish: Microscopía de Sonda de Barrido
Descriptor microscopía de sonda de barrido
Entry term(s) microscopía por sonda de rastreo
Scope note: Microscopía de barrido en la que se emplea una sonda muy puntiaguda en estrecha proximidad con la superficie explotando una propiedad particular de relación con la superficie. Cuando esta propiedad es la topografía local, el método es la MICROSCOPÍA DE FUERZA ATÓMICA, y cuando es la conductividad local se trata de la MICROSCOPÍA DE BARRIDO DE EFECTO TÚNEL.
Descriptor Portuguese: Microscopia de Varredura por Sonda
Descriptor French: Microscopie à sonde à balayage
Entry term(s): Scanning Probe Microscopy
Tree number(s): E01.370.350.515.666
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Scanning microscopy in which a very sharp probe is employed in close proximity to a surface, exploiting a particular surface-related property. When this property is local topography, the method is atomic force microscopy (MICROSCOPY, ATOMIC FORCE), and when it is local conductivity, the method is scanning tunneling microscopy (MICROSCOPY, SCANNING TUNNELING).
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
EC economics
ES ethics
HI history
IS instrumentation
MT methods
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
VE veterinary
Previous Indexing: Microscopy, Atomic Force (1999)
Public MeSH Note: 2000; see MICROSCOPY, ATOMIC FORCE 1999
History Note: 2000; use MICROSCOPY, ATOMIC FORCE 1999
DeCS ID: 34522
Unique ID: D020527
NLM Classification: QH 212.S33
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2000/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/11/03
Revision Date: 2004/07/07
Microscopy, Scanning Probe - Preferred
Concept UI M0027913
Scope note Scanning microscopy in which a very sharp probe is employed in close proximity to a surface, exploiting a particular surface-related property. When this property is local topography, the method is atomic force microscopy (MICROSCOPY, ATOMIC FORCE), and when it is local conductivity, the method is scanning tunneling microscopy (MICROSCOPY, SCANNING TUNNELING).
Preferred term Microscopy, Scanning Probe
Entry term(s) Scanning Probe Microscopy

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