Descriptor English: Receptor, EphB6
Descriptor Spanish: Receptor EphB6
Descriptor receptor EphB6
Scope note: Receptor de la família eph que se encuentra principalmente en el ENCÉFALO y el TIMO. Es raro que el dominio de la tirosinquinasa del receptor EphB6 comparta homología con otros miembros de esta clase. El raro dominio tirosinquinasa de este receptor es responsable de la pérdida de actividd de la tirosinquinasa.
Descriptor Portuguese: Receptor EphB6
Descriptor French: Récepteur EphB6
Entry term(s): EphB6 Receptor
EphB6, Ephrin Receptor
Ephrin Receptor EphB6
Mep Protein
Receptor EphB6, Ephrin
Tree number(s): D12.776.543.750.630.500.937
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: An eph family receptor found primarily in BRAIN and THYMUS. The EphB6 receptor is unusual in that its tyrosine kinase domain shares little homology with other members of this class. The unusual tyrosine kinase domain of this receptor appears to result in its lack of tyrosine kinase activity.
Allowable Qualifiers: AD administration & dosage
AG agonists
AI antagonists & inhibitors
AN analysis
BI biosynthesis
BL blood
CH chemistry
CL classification
DE drug effects
DF deficiency
GE genetics
HI history
IM immunology
IP isolation & purification
ME metabolism
PH physiology
RE radiation effects
TU therapeutic use
UL ultrastructure
Previous Indexing: Membrane Proteins (1996-2002)
Receptor Protein-Tyrosine Kinases (2001-2002)
Public MeSH Note: 2003; MEP PROTEIN (now RECEPTOR, EPHB6) was indexed under MEMBRANE PROTEINS 1996-2002, EPHB6 RECEPTOR was indexed under RECEPTOR PROTEIN-TYROSINE KINASES 2001-2002
History Note: 2003; use RECEPTOR, EPHB6 (NM) 1996-2002
Entry Version: RECEPT EPHB6
DeCS ID: 37478
Unique ID: D036261
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2003/01/01
Date of Entry: 2002/07/03
Revision Date: 2016/05/31
Receptor, EphB6 - Preferred
Concept UI M0402451
Scope note An eph family receptor found primarily in BRAIN and THYMUS. The EphB6 receptor is unusual in that its tyrosine kinase domain shares little homology with other members of this class. The unusual tyrosine kinase domain of this receptor appears to result in its lack of tyrosine kinase activity.
Preferred term Receptor, EphB6
Entry term(s) EphB6 Receptor
EphB6, Ephrin Receptor
Ephrin Receptor EphB6
Mep Protein
Receptor EphB6, Ephrin

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