Descriptor English: Data Compression
Descriptor Spanish: Compresión de Datos
Descriptor compresión de datos
Entry term(s) compresión de imagen
Scope note: Aplicación informática basada en diversos métodos de codificación para reducir al mínimo la cantidad de datos a almacenar, recuperar o transmitir. La compresión de datos puede aplicarse a varios formatos de datos, como imágenes y señales. Se utiliza para reducir costes y aumentar la eficiencia en el mantenimiento de grandes volúmenes de datos.
Descriptor Portuguese: Compressão de Dados
Descriptor French: Compression de données
Entry term(s): Compression, Data
Compression, Image
Image Compression
Tree number(s): L01.224.308.189
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Information application based on a variety of coding methods to minimize the amount of data to be stored, retrieved, or transmitted. Data compression can be applied to various forms of data, such as images and signals. It is used to reduce costs and increase efficiency in the maintenance of large volumes of data.
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
EC economics
ES ethics
HI history
LJ legislation & jurisprudence
MT methods
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
Public MeSH Note: 2004
History Note: 2004
Related: Image Processing, Computer-Assisted MeSH
Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted MeSH
DeCS ID: 38407
Unique ID: D044962
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2004/01/01
Date of Entry: 2003/07/09
Revision Date: 2017/07/03
Data Compression - Preferred
Concept UI M0446804
Scope note Information application based on a variety of coding methods to minimize the amount of data to be stored, retrieved, or transmitted. Data compression can be applied to various forms of data, such as images and signals. It is used to reduce costs and increase efficiency in the maintenance of large volumes of data.
Preferred term Data Compression
Entry term(s) Compression, Data
Image Compression - Narrower
Concept UI M0446805
Scope note Using coding methods, such as calculating the changes in a signal intensity, to minimize a series of images from DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING.
Preferred term Image Compression
Entry term(s) Compression, Image

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