Descriptor English: Leukocyte Reduction Procedures
Descriptor Spanish: Procedimientos de Reducción del Leucocitos
Descriptor procedimientos de reducción de leucocitos
Scope note: Eliminación de LEUCOCITOS de la SANGRE para reducir las reacciones posteriores a la TRANSFUSIÓN SANGUÍNEA y disminuir la probabilidad de transmisión de VIRUS. Puede realizarse mediante FILTRACIÓN o CITAFÉRESIS.
Descriptor Portuguese: Procedimentos de Redução de Leucócitos
Descriptor French: Techniques de déleucocytation
Entry term(s): Depletion Procedure, Leukocyte
Depletion Procedures, Leukocyte
Filtration, Leukocyte Reduction
Filtrations, Leukocyte Reduction
Leukocyte Depletion Procedure
Leukocyte Depletion Procedures
Leukocyte Reduction Filtration
Leukocyte Reduction Filtrations
Leukocyte Reduction Procedure
Leukocyte Removal Procedure
Leukocyte Removal Procedures
Procedure, Leukocyte Depletion
Procedure, Leukocyte Reduction
Procedure, Leukocyte Removal
Procedures, Leukocyte Depletion
Procedures, Leukocyte Reduction
Procedures, Leukocyte Removal
Reduction Filtration, Leukocyte
Reduction Filtrations, Leukocyte
Reduction Procedure, Leukocyte
Reduction Procedures, Leukocyte
Removal Procedure, Leukocyte
Removal Procedures, Leukocyte
Tree number(s): E02.120.527
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: The removal of LEUKOCYTES from BLOOD to reduce BLOOD TRANSFUSION reactions and lower the chance of transmitting VIRUSES. This may be performed by FILTRATION or by CYTAPHERESIS.
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
EC economics
ES ethics
HI history
IS instrumentation
MT methods
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
VE veterinary
Public MeSH Note: 2005
History Note: 2005
DeCS ID: 38803
Unique ID: D047589
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2005/01/01
Date of Entry: 2004/07/07
Revision Date: 2015/06/23
Leukocyte Reduction Procedures - Preferred
Concept UI M0457979
Scope note The removal of LEUKOCYTES from BLOOD to reduce BLOOD TRANSFUSION reactions and lower the chance of transmitting VIRUSES. This may be performed by FILTRATION or by CYTAPHERESIS.
Preferred term Leukocyte Reduction Procedures
Entry term(s) Depletion Procedure, Leukocyte
Depletion Procedures, Leukocyte
Leukocyte Depletion Procedure
Leukocyte Depletion Procedures
Leukocyte Reduction Procedure
Leukocyte Removal Procedure
Leukocyte Removal Procedures
Procedure, Leukocyte Depletion
Procedure, Leukocyte Reduction
Procedure, Leukocyte Removal
Procedures, Leukocyte Depletion
Procedures, Leukocyte Reduction
Procedures, Leukocyte Removal
Reduction Procedure, Leukocyte
Reduction Procedures, Leukocyte
Removal Procedure, Leukocyte
Removal Procedures, Leukocyte
Leukocyte Reduction Filtration - Narrower
Concept UI M0457980
Preferred term Leukocyte Reduction Filtration
Entry term(s) Filtration, Leukocyte Reduction
Filtrations, Leukocyte Reduction
Leukocyte Reduction Filtrations
Reduction Filtration, Leukocyte
Reduction Filtrations, Leukocyte

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