Descriptor English: Purified Water with Added Salts
Descriptor Spanish: Agua Purificada com Sales Añadidas
Descriptor agua depurada con sales añadidas
Entry term(s) agua potabilizada con sales añadidas
agua purificada con adición de sal
Scope note: Agua preparada artificialmente a la que, tras su recogida y tratamiento, se pueden añadir sales de uso permitido o puede ser gaseada mediante anhídrido carbónico estándar de uso alimentario.
Descriptor Portuguese: Água Purificada Adicionada de Sais
Descriptor French: Eau Purifiée Avec Sels Ajoutés
Entry term(s): Purified Water with Salt Addition
Tree number(s): VS2.001.002.002
Scope note: Artificially prepared water from any collection, treatment and that may be added by salts of permitted use or may be gassed with standard food carbon dioxide.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 51392
Unique ID: DDCS051392
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Purified Water with Added Salts - Preferred
Concept UI FD00061593
Scope note Artificially prepared water from any collection, treatment and that may be added by salts of permitted use or may be gassed with standard food carbon dioxide.
Preferred term Purified Water with Added Salts
Entry term(s) Purified Water with Salt Addition

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