Descriptor English: Chronopharmacokinetics
Descriptor Spanish: Cronofarmacocinética
Descriptor cronofarmacocinética
Scope note: Absorción, metabolismo y eliminación de drogas en relación con la hora del día en que se administran y los mecanismos responsables de las variaciones dependientes del tiempo.
Descriptor Portuguese: Cronofarmacocinética
Descriptor French: Chronopharmacocinétique
Entry term(s): Chronopharmacokinetic
Tree number(s): G07.690.725.249
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Absorption, metabolism and elimination of drugs in relation to time of day at which they are administered, and the mechanisms responsible for time-dependent variations.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Public MeSH Note: 2016
History Note: 2016
Related: Drug Chronotherapy MeSH
DeCS ID: 56128
Unique ID: D000067573
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2016/01/01
Date of Entry: 2015/07/01
Revision Date: 2015/01/21
Chronopharmacokinetics - Preferred
Concept UI M000600243
Scope note Absorption, metabolism and elimination of drugs in relation to time of day at which they are administered, and the mechanisms responsible for time-dependent variations.
Preferred term Chronopharmacokinetics
Entry term(s) Chronopharmacokinetic

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