Descriptor English: Ototoxicity
Descriptor Spanish: Ototoxicidad
Descriptor ototoxicidad
Entry term(s) cocleotoxicidad inducida por fármacos
cocleotoxicidad relacionada con fármacos
ototoxicidad inducida por fármacos
ototoxicidad inducida por radiación
ototoxicidad relacionada con fármacos
toxicidad auditiva
toxicidad coclear inducida por fármacos
toxicidad coclear relacionada con fármacos
toxicidad otológica inducida por fármacos
toxicidad otológica relacionada con fármacos
toxicidad vestibular inducida por fármacos
toxicidad ótica
vestibulotoxicidad inducida por fármacos
Scope note: Lesión o alteración funcional del OÍDO secundarias a exposición a sustancias tóxicas tales como fármacos empleados en QUIMIOTERAPIA, INMUNOTERAPIA o RADIACIÓN.
Descriptor Portuguese: Ototoxicidade
Descriptor French: Ototoxicité
Entry term(s): Auditory Toxicity
Cochlear Toxicities, Drug-Related
Cochlear Toxicity, Drug-Induced
Cochlear Toxicity, Drug-Related
Cochleotoxicities, Drug-Related
Cochleotoxicity, Drug-Induced
Cochleotoxicity, Drug-Related
Drug Induced Cochlear Toxicity
Drug Induced Cochleotoxicity
Drug Induced Otological Toxicity
Drug Induced Ototoxicity
Drug Induced Vestibular Toxicity
Drug Induced Vestibulotoxicity
Drug Related Cochlear Toxicity
Drug Related Cochleotoxicity
Drug Related Otological Toxicity
Drug Related Ototoxicity
Drug-Induced Cochlear Toxicities
Drug-Induced Cochlear Toxicity
Drug-Induced Cochleotoxicity
Drug-Induced Otological Toxicities
Drug-Induced Otological Toxicity
Drug-Induced Ototoxicity
Drug-Induced Vestibular Toxicity
Drug-Induced Vestibulotoxicity
Drug-Related Cochlear Toxicities
Drug-Related Cochlear Toxicity
Drug-Related Cochleotoxicity
Drug-Related Otological Toxicities
Drug-Related Otological Toxicity
Drug-Related Ototoxicities
Drug-Related Ototoxicity
Otological Toxicity
Otological Toxicity, Drug-Induced
Otological Toxicity, Drug-Related
Ototoxicities, Drug-Related
Ototoxicities, Radiation-Induced
Ototoxicity, Drug-Induced
Ototoxicity, Drug-Related
Ototoxicity, Radiation-Induced
Radiation Induced Ototoxicity
Radiation-Induced Ototoxicities
Radiation-Induced Ototoxicity
Vestibular Toxicity, Drug-Induced
Vestibulotoxicity, Drug-Induced
Tree number(s): C09.218.788
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Damage to the EAR or its function secondary to exposure to toxic substances such as drugs used in CHEMOTHERAPY; IMMUNOTHERAPY; or RADIATION.
Allowable Qualifiers: BL blood
CF cerebrospinal fluid
CL classification
CO complications
DG diagnostic imaging
DH diet therapy
DI diagnosis
DT drug therapy
EC economics
EH ethnology
EN enzymology
EP epidemiology
ET etiology
GE genetics
HI history
IM immunology
ME metabolism
MI microbiology
MO mortality
NU nursing
PA pathology
PC prevention & control
PP physiopathology
PS parasitology
PX psychology
RH rehabilitation
RT radiotherapy
SU surgery
TH therapy
UR urine
VE veterinary
VI virology
Previous Indexing: Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions (2014-2019)
Hearing Disorders/chemically induced (1980-2019)
Public MeSH Note: 2020
History Note: 2020
DeCS ID: 59182
Unique ID: D000081015
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2020/01/01
Date of Entry: 2019/07/08
Revision Date: 2023/04/12
Ototoxicity - Preferred
Concept UI M000652217
Scope note Damage to the EAR or its function secondary to exposure to toxic substances such as drugs used in CHEMOTHERAPY; IMMUNOTHERAPY; or RADIATION.
Preferred term Ototoxicity
Entry term(s) Otological Toxicity
Drug-Induced Ototoxicity - Narrower
Concept UI M000649442
Scope note A condition associated with the use of certain medications (e.g., AMINOGLYCOSIDES and CISPLATIN) that cause functional impairments of the INNER EAR characterized by transient or permanent dysequilibrium, HEARING LOSS, and/or TINNITUS.
Preferred term Drug-Induced Ototoxicity
Entry term(s) Drug Induced Otological Toxicity
Drug Induced Ototoxicity
Drug Related Otological Toxicity
Drug Related Ototoxicity
Drug-Induced Otological Toxicities
Drug-Induced Otological Toxicity
Drug-Related Otological Toxicities
Drug-Related Otological Toxicity
Drug-Related Ototoxicities
Drug-Related Ototoxicity
Otological Toxicity, Drug-Induced
Otological Toxicity, Drug-Related
Ototoxicities, Drug-Related
Ototoxicity, Drug-Induced
Ototoxicity, Drug-Related
Drug-Induced Cochleotoxicity - Narrower
Concept UI M000649443
Preferred term Drug-Induced Cochleotoxicity
Entry term(s) Cochlear Toxicities, Drug-Related
Cochlear Toxicity, Drug-Induced
Cochlear Toxicity, Drug-Related
Cochleotoxicities, Drug-Related
Cochleotoxicity, Drug-Induced
Cochleotoxicity, Drug-Related
Drug Induced Cochlear Toxicity
Drug Induced Cochleotoxicity
Drug Related Cochlear Toxicity
Drug Related Cochleotoxicity
Drug-Induced Cochlear Toxicities
Drug-Induced Cochlear Toxicity
Drug-Related Cochlear Toxicities
Drug-Related Cochlear Toxicity
Drug-Related Cochleotoxicity
Drug-Induced Vestibulotoxicity - Narrower
Concept UI M000649444
Preferred term Drug-Induced Vestibulotoxicity
Entry term(s) Drug Induced Vestibular Toxicity
Drug Induced Vestibulotoxicity
Drug-Induced Vestibular Toxicity
Vestibular Toxicity, Drug-Induced
Vestibulotoxicity, Drug-Induced
Auditory Toxicity - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M000762788
Preferred term Auditory Toxicity
Radiation-Induced Ototoxicity - Narrower
Concept UI M000764323
Preferred term Radiation-Induced Ototoxicity
Entry term(s) Ototoxicities, Radiation-Induced
Ototoxicity, Radiation-Induced
Radiation Induced Ototoxicity
Radiation-Induced Ototoxicities

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