Descriptor English: Receptors, Leukocyte-Adhesion
Descriptor Spanish: Receptores de Adhesión de Leucocito
Descriptor receptores de adhesión leucocitaria
Entry term(s) familia de receptores Leu-CAM
receptores de adhesión de leucocitos
Scope note: Familia de proteínas relacionadas con la capacidad de los LEUCOCITOS para adherirse unos a otros y, también, a ciertos sustratos, por ejemplo el componenete del complemento C3bi. Como miembros de esta familia hay que considerar el ANTÍGENO-1 ASOCIADO A LA FUNCIÓN LINFOCITARIA (LFA-1); el ANTÍGENO DE MACRÓFAGO-1 (Mac-1); y la INTEGRINA ALFABETA-2 ó la proteína de adhesión leucocitaria p150-95. Todos ellos comparten una subunidad beta común que es el antígeno CD18. En el SINDROME DE DÉFICIT DE ADHESIÓN LEUCOCITARIA heredado, los tres antígenos referidos anteriormente están ausentes, lo que se traduce en infecciones bacterianas recurrentes, con diificultad para la formación de pus y cicatrización de las heridas, así como anomalías en gran variedad de funciones relacionadas con la adherencia de granulocitos, monocitos y células linfoides.
Descriptor Portuguese: Receptores de Adesão de Leucócito
Descriptor French: Récepteur adhésion leucocytaire
Entry term(s): Family, Leu-CAM Receptor
Leu CAM Receptor Family
Leu-CAM Receptor Family
Leukocyte Adhesion Receptor
Leukocyte Adhesion Receptor Family
Leukocyte Adhesion Receptors
Leukocyte-Adhesion Receptor
Leukocyte-Adhesion Receptor Family
Leukocyte-Adhesion Receptors
Receptor Family, Leu-CAM
Receptor, Leukocyte-Adhesion
Receptors, Leukocyte Adhesion
Tree number(s): D12.776.543.750.705.408.600
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Family of proteins associated with the capacity of LEUKOCYTES to adhere to each other and to certain substrata, e.g., the C3bi component of complement. Members of this family are the LYMPHOCYTE FUNCTION-ASSOCIATED ANTIGEN-1; (LFA-1), the MACROPHAGE-1 ANTIGEN; (Mac-1), and the INTEGRIN ALPHAXBETA2 or p150,95 leukocyte adhesion protein. They all share a common beta-subunit which is the CD18 antigen. All three of the above antigens are absent in inherited LEUKOCYTE-ADHESION DEFICIENCY SYNDROME, which is characterized by recurrent bacterial infections, impaired pus formation, and wound healing as well as abnormalities in a wide spectrum of adherence-dependent functions of granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphoid cells.
Allowable Qualifiers: AD administration & dosage
AG agonists
AI antagonists & inhibitors
AN analysis
BI biosynthesis
BL blood
CH chemistry
CL classification
DE drug effects
GE genetics
HI history
IM immunology
IP isolation & purification
ME metabolism
PH physiology
RE radiation effects
TU therapeutic use
UL ultrastructure
Previous Indexing: Antigens (1966-1987)
Antigens, Differentiation (1988-1989)
Receptors, Cell Surface (1973-1989)
Receptors, Immunologic (1980-1989)
Public MeSH Note: 90
History Note: 90
Related: Leukocyte-Adhesion Deficiency Syndrome MeSH
DeCS ID: 24855
Unique ID: D016028
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1990/01/01
Date of Entry: 1989/07/07
Revision Date: 2003/07/09
Receptors, Leukocyte-Adhesion - Preferred
Concept UI M0024505
Scope note Family of proteins associated with the capacity of LEUKOCYTES to adhere to each other and to certain substrata, e.g., the C3bi component of complement. Members of this family are the LYMPHOCYTE FUNCTION-ASSOCIATED ANTIGEN-1; (LFA-1), the MACROPHAGE-1 ANTIGEN; (Mac-1), and the INTEGRIN ALPHAXBETA2 or p150,95 leukocyte adhesion protein. They all share a common beta-subunit which is the CD18 antigen. All three of the above antigens are absent in inherited LEUKOCYTE-ADHESION DEFICIENCY SYNDROME, which is characterized by recurrent bacterial infections, impaired pus formation, and wound healing as well as abnormalities in a wide spectrum of adherence-dependent functions of granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphoid cells.
Preferred term Receptors, Leukocyte-Adhesion
Entry term(s) Family, Leu-CAM Receptor
Leu CAM Receptor Family
Leu-CAM Receptor Family
Leukocyte Adhesion Receptor
Leukocyte Adhesion Receptor Family
Leukocyte Adhesion Receptors
Leukocyte-Adhesion Receptor
Leukocyte-Adhesion Receptor Family
Leukocyte-Adhesion Receptors
Receptor Family, Leu-CAM
Receptor, Leukocyte-Adhesion
Receptors, Leukocyte Adhesion

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