Descriptor English: Toxicodendron
Descriptor Spanish: Toxicodendron
Descriptor Toxicodendron
Entry term(s) Rhus toxicodendron
hiedra venenosa
roble venenoso
zumaque venenoso
Scope note: Género (previamente formaba parte del género Rhus) de arbustos, viñas o árboles que producen una resina oleosa muy alergénica que causa una dermatitis de contacto grave (DERMATITIS POR TOXICODENDRON). Las especies más tóxicas son Toxicodendron vernix (zumaque venenoso), T. diversilobum (roble venenoso) y T. radicans (hiedra venenosa). T. vernicifera produce un barniz útil del que se han obtenido ciertas enzimas (lacasas).
Descriptor Portuguese: Toxicodendron
Descriptor French: Toxicodendron
Entry term(s): Ivies, Poison
Ivy, Poison
Oak, Poison
Oaks, Poison
Poison Ivies
Poison Ivy
Poison Oak
Poison Oaks
Poison Sumac
Poison Sumacs
Rhus toxicodendron
Rhus toxicodendrons
Sumac, Poison
Sumacs, Poison
toxicodendron, Rhus
Tree number(s): B01.875.800.575.912.250.044.744
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A genus (formerly part of Rhus genus) of shrubs, vines, or trees that yields a highly allergenic oleoresin which causes a severe contact dermatitis (DERMATITIS, TOXICODENDRON). The most toxic species are Toxicodendron vernix (poison sumac), T. diversilobum (poison oak), and T. radicans (poison ivy). T. vernicifera yields a useful varnish from which certain enzymes (laccases) are obtained.
Annotation: DERMATITIS, TOXICODENDRON is available
Allowable Qualifiers: AE adverse effects
AH anatomy & histology
CH chemistry
CL classification
CY cytology
DE drug effects
EM embryology
EN enzymology
GD growth & development
GE genetics
IM immunology
ME metabolism
MI microbiology
PH physiology
PO poisoning
PS parasitology
RE radiation effects
TO toxicity
UL ultrastructure
VI virology
Public MeSH Note: 93; was RHUS 1963-92; TOXICODENDRON was see RHUS 1966-92
Online Note: use TOXICODENDRON to search RHUS 1966-92
History Note: 93; was RHUS 1963-92; TOXICODENDRON was see RHUS 1986-92
Related: Dermatitis, Toxicodendron MeSH
DeCS ID: 30881
Unique ID: D012251
NLM Classification: WD 500
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1993/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/01/01
Revision Date: 2017/07/12
Toxicodendron - Preferred
Concept UI M0019056
Scope note A genus (formerly part of Rhus genus) of shrubs, vines, or trees that yields a highly allergenic oleoresin which causes a severe contact dermatitis (DERMATITIS, TOXICODENDRON). The most toxic species are Toxicodendron vernix (poison sumac), T. diversilobum (poison oak), and T. radicans (poison ivy). T. vernicifera yields a useful varnish from which certain enzymes (laccases) are obtained.
Preferred term Toxicodendron
Entry term(s) Toxicodendrons
Poison Oak - Narrower
Concept UI M0383742
Preferred term Poison Oak
Entry term(s) Oak, Poison
Oaks, Poison
Poison Oaks
Rhus toxicodendron - Narrower
Concept UI M0502788
Preferred term Rhus toxicodendron
Entry term(s) Rhus toxicodendrons
toxicodendron, Rhus
Poison Ivy - Narrower
Concept UI M0019057
Preferred term Poison Ivy
Entry term(s) Ivies, Poison
Ivy, Poison
Poison Ivies
Poison Sumac - Narrower
Concept UI M0383741
Preferred term Poison Sumac
Entry term(s) Poison Sumacs
Sumac, Poison
Sumacs, Poison

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