Qualifier English: Arnica
Qualifier Spanish: Arnica
Descriptor Arnica
Entry term(s) Arnica montana
pesadilla de leopardo
tabaco de montaña
veneno de leopardo
veneno de lobo
árnica de montaña
Scope note: Género de plantas de la familia ASTERACEAE. Las extremidades secas de las flores de Arnica montana se emplean por vía externa como antiirritante y tintura para esguinces y contusiones, ya como extracto en crudo o en dilución homeopática (HOMEOPATÍA). Arnica contiene aceites volátiles (ACEITES VOLATILES), arnicina, arnisterol, FLAVONOIDES, TANINOS y resina.
Qualifier Portuguese: Arnica
Qualifier French: Arnica
Entry term(s): Arnica montana
Arnica montanas
Bane, Leopard's
Bane, Leopards
Banes, Leopard's
Banes, Leopards
Doronicum arnica
Leopard Bane
Leopard's Bane
Leopard's Banes
Leopards Bane
Leopards Banes
Mountain Arnica
Mountain Tobacco
Wolf's Bane
montanas, Arnica
Tree number(s): B01.875.800.575.912.250.100.075
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A plant genus of the family ASTERACEAE. The dried flower heads of Arnica montana are used externally as a counterirritant and tincture for sprains and bruises, either as crude extract or in homeopathic dilution (HOMEOPATHY). Arnica contains volatile oils (OILS, VOLATILE), arnicin, arnisterol, FLAVONOIDS; TANNINS; and resin. The common name of Wolf's Bane is similar to the common name for ACONITUM.
Annotation: for Traumeel or homeopathic or 30x dilution coord with HOMEOPATHY (IM); for articles in the area of Homeopathy, coordinate with HOMEOPATHIC REMEDY
Allowable Qualifiers: AE adverse effects
AH anatomy & histology
CH chemistry
CL classification
CY cytology
DE drug effects
EM embryology
EN enzymology
GD growth & development
GE genetics
IM immunology
ME metabolism
MI microbiology
PH physiology
PO poisoning
PS parasitology
RE radiation effects
TO toxicity
UL ultrastructure
VI virology
Previous Indexing: Plants, Medicinal (1966-1984)
Public MeSH Note: 95; ARNICA was indexed under PLANT EXTRACTS 1985-94
Online Note: use PLANT EXTRACTS (NM) to search ARNICA 1985-94
History Note: 95; was ARNICA (NM) 1985-94
DeCS ID: 32351
Unique ID: D018650
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1995/01/01
Date of Entry: 1994/04/19
Revision Date: 2017/07/11
Arnica - Preferred
Concept UI M0027945
Scope note A plant genus of the family ASTERACEAE. The dried flower heads of Arnica montana are used externally as a counterirritant and tincture for sprains and bruises, either as crude extract or in homeopathic dilution (HOMEOPATHY). Arnica contains volatile oils (OILS, VOLATILE), arnicin, arnisterol, FLAVONOIDS; TANNINS; and resin. The common name of Wolf's Bane is similar to the common name for ACONITUM.
Preferred term Arnica
Entry term(s) Arnicas
Arnica montana - Narrower
Concept UI M0336501
Preferred term Arnica montana
Entry term(s) Arnica montanas
Bane, Leopard's
Bane, Leopards
Banes, Leopard's
Banes, Leopards
Doronicum arnica
Leopard Bane
Leopard's Bane
Leopard's Banes
Leopards Bane
Leopards Banes
Mountain Arnica
Mountain Tobacco
Wolf's Bane
montanas, Arnica