Qualifier English: Cichorium intybus
Qualifier Spanish: Cichorium intybus
Descriptor Cichorium intybus
Entry term(s) Achicoria
Cichorium byzantinum
Cichorium endivia
achicoria amarga
Scope note: Planta perenne de raíz gruesa natural de Europa pero que se cultiva ampliamente por sus hojas jóvenes para ensaladas y por sus raíces, secas y tostadas, que se emplean para aromatizar o adulterar café. (Traducción libre del original: Webster, 3d ed).
Qualifier Portuguese: Cichorium intybus
Qualifier French: Cichorium intybus
Entry term(s): Belgian Endive
Cichorium endivia
Common Chicory
Wild Endive
Tree number(s): B01.875.800.575.912.250.100.200
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A thick-rooted perennial native to Europe but widely grown for its young leaves used as salad greens and for its roots, dried and ground-roasted, used to flavor or adulterate coffee. (From Webster, 3d ed)
Allowable Qualifiers: AE adverse effects
AH anatomy & histology
CH chemistry
CL classification
CY cytology
DE drug effects
EC economics
EM embryology
EN enzymology
GD growth & development
GE genetics
HI history
IM immunology
ME metabolism
MI microbiology
PH physiology
PO poisoning
PS parasitology
RE radiation effects
SD supply & distribution
ST standards
TO toxicity
UL ultrastructure
VI virology
Registry Number: txid13427
Public MeSH Note: 1995; use CHICORY 1995-2023
History Note: 1995; use CHICORY 1995-2023
DeCS ID: 32311
Unique ID: D018651
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1995/01/01
Date of Entry: 1994/04/19
Revision Date: 2023/05/26
Cichorium intybus - Preferred
Concept UI M0027946
Scope note A thick-rooted perennial native to Europe but widely grown for its young leaves used as salad greens and for its roots, dried and ground-roasted, used to flavor or adulterate coffee. (From Webster, 3d ed)
Preferred term Cichorium intybus
Entry term(s) Belgian Endive
Cichorium endivia
Common Chicory
Wild Endive

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