Descriptor English: Broadside
Descriptor Spanish: Impresos Sueltos
Descriptor impreso suelto
Entry term(s) impresos sueltos
Scope note: Publicaciones sobre papel u otro material, generalmente impresas por una sola cara, destinadas a ser leídas desplegadas, que generalmente se buzonean, se distribuyen públicamente o se venden, por ej. proclamas, folletos, panfletos, etc. (de Genre Terms: A Thesaurus for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloguing, 2d ed)
Descriptor Portuguese: Impressos Avulsos
Descriptor French: Dépliant
Entry term(s): Broadsides
Tree number(s): V02.200
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Work consisting of published pieces of paper or other material, usually printed on one side and intended to be read unfolded and usually intended to be posted, publicly distributed, or sold, e.g., proclamations, handbills, newssheets, etc. (From Genre Terms: A Thesaurus for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloguing, 2d ed)
Annotation: This heading is used as a Publication Type. Broadsides as a subject are indexed under the main heading BROADSIDES AS TOPIC. Publication Types ADVERTISEMENT & POSTER are also available. INDEXER: Do not use
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
History Note: 2008(1997)
DeCS ID: 33231
Unique ID: D019490
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1997/01/01
Date of Entry: 1996/06/21
Revision Date: 2018/07/13
Broadside - Preferred
Concept UI M0028981
Scope note Work consisting of published pieces of paper or other material, usually printed on one side and intended to be read unfolded and usually intended to be posted, publicly distributed, or sold, e.g., proclamations, handbills, newssheets, etc. (From Genre Terms: A Thesaurus for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloguing, 2d ed)
Preferred term Broadside
Entry term(s) Broadsides

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