Descriptor English: Integrin alphaV
Descriptor Spanish: Integrina alfaV
Descriptor integrina alfaV
Entry term(s) antígenos CD51
Scope note: Integrina alfa con un peso molecular de 160 kD que se encuentra en una variedad de tipos celulares. Experimenta un desdoblamiento postraduccional en una cadena pesada y otra ligera que están conectadas por uniones disulfuro. La integrina alfaV puede combinarse con diferentes subunidades beta para formar heterodímeros que generalmente se unen a las proteínas de la matriz extracelular que contienen la secuencia RGD.
Descriptor Portuguese: Integrina alfaV
Descriptor French: Intégrine alphaV
Entry term(s): Antigen, CD51
Antigens, CD51
CD51 Antigen
CD51 Antigens
Integrin alpha V
Integrin, alphav
alpha V, Integrin
alpha(V) Integrin
alphaV, Integrin
alphav Integrin
Tree number(s): D12.776.543.750.705.408.100.900
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: An alpha integrin with a molecular weight of 160-kDa that is found in a variety of cell types. It undergoes posttranslational cleavage into a heavy and a light chain that are connected by disulfide bonds. Integrin alphaV can combine with several different beta subunits to form heterodimers that generally bind to RGD sequence-containing extracellular matrix proteins.
Annotation: "V" in alphaV is the letter not the roman numeral
Allowable Qualifiers: AD administration & dosage
AE adverse effects
AN analysis
BI biosynthesis
BL blood
CF cerebrospinal fluid
CH chemistry
CL classification
DE drug effects
EC economics
GE genetics
HI history
IM immunology
IP isolation & purification
ME metabolism
PD pharmacology
PH physiology
PO poisoning
RE radiation effects
TO toxicity
TU therapeutic use
UL ultrastructure
UR urine
Previous Indexing: Antigens, CD (1994-2002)
Public MeSH Note: 2003; INTEGRIN ALPHAV was indexed under ANTIGENS, CD 1994-2002
History Note: 2003; use INTEGRIN ALPHAV (NM) 1994-2002
DeCS ID: 37492
Unique ID: D039564
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2003/01/01
Date of Entry: 2002/07/03
Revision Date: 2017/05/24
Integrin alphaV - Preferred
Concept UI M0230139
Scope note An alpha integrin with a molecular weight of 160-kDa that is found in a variety of cell types. It undergoes posttranslational cleavage into a heavy and a light chain that are connected by disulfide bonds. Integrin alphaV can combine with several different beta subunits to form heterodimers that generally bind to RGD sequence-containing extracellular matrix proteins.
Preferred term Integrin alphaV
Entry term(s) Antigen, CD51
Antigens, CD51
CD51 Antigen
CD51 Antigens
Integrin alpha V
Integrin, alphav
alpha V, Integrin
alpha(V) Integrin
alphaV, Integrin
alphav Integrin

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