Descriptor English: Virus Inactivation
Descriptor Spanish: Inactivación de Virus
Descriptor inactivación de virus
Entry term(s) inactivación viral
Scope note: Inactivación de virus mediante técnicas no inmunológicas. Entre ellas se incluyen: los pH extremos, el tratamiento por CALOR, la radiación ultravioleta, la RADIACIÓN IONIZANTE, la DESECACIÓN, los ANTISÉPTICOS, los DESINFECTANTES, los solventes orgánicos y los DETERGENTES.
Descriptor Portuguese: Inativação de Vírus
Descriptor French: Inactivation virale
Entry term(s): Inactivation, Viral
Inactivation, Virus
Viral Inactivation
Tree number(s): E01.370.225.875.977
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Inactivation of viruses by non-immune related techniques. They include extremes of pH, HEAT treatment, ultraviolet radiation, IONIZING RADIATION; DESICCATION; ANTISEPTICS; DISINFECTANTS; organic solvents, and DETERGENTS.
Allowable Qualifiers: DE drug effects
ES ethics
RE radiation effects
Public MeSH Note: 2003
History Note: 2003
Related: Antiviral Agents MeSH
DeCS ID: 37581
Unique ID: D038301
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2003/01/01
Date of Entry: 2002/07/03
Revision Date: 2016/06/17
Virus Inactivation - Preferred
Concept UI M0415793
Scope note Inactivation of viruses by non-immune related techniques. They include extremes of pH, HEAT treatment, ultraviolet radiation, IONIZING RADIATION; DESICCATION; ANTISEPTICS; DISINFECTANTS; organic solvents, and DETERGENTS.
Preferred term Virus Inactivation
Entry term(s) Inactivation, Viral
Inactivation, Virus
Viral Inactivation

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