Descriptor English: Laboratory Test
Descriptor Spanish: Prueba de Laboratorio
Descriptor Prueba de laboratorio
Scope note: Pruebas realizadas en un laboratorio para estudiar muestras de sangre, orina o tejidos corporales. Un auxiliar de laboratorio o un médico analizan las muestras a examen para comprobar si los resultados se encuentras dentro los límites normales para el sexo, edad, raza e ingesta de comida entre otros factores. (Traducción libre del original:, accessed Sep 18, 2012).
Descriptor Portuguese: Testes Laboratoriais
Descriptor French: Analyse de Laboratoire
Tree number(s): SP4.202.660.820
Scope note: Tests performed in a laboratory that check samples of blood, urine or tissue form the body. A technician or a physician analyzes the test samples to check if results fall within the normal range based on sex, age and race, food intake, among other factors. (Free adaptation from, accessed Sep 18, 2012)
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Clinical Chemistry Tests MeSH
Clinical Laboratory Techniques MeSH
DeCS ID: 51711
Unique ID: DDCS051711
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Laboratory Test - Preferred
Concept UI FD00061844
Scope note Tests performed in a laboratory that check samples of blood, urine or tissue form the body. A technician or a physician analyzes the test samples to check if results fall within the normal range based on sex, age and race, food intake, among other factors. (Free adaptation from, accessed Sep 18, 2012)
Preferred term Laboratory Test

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