Descriptor English: Immunoreceptor Tyrosine-Based Activation Motif
Descriptor Spanish: Motivo de Activación del Inmunorreceptor Basado en Tirosina
Descriptor motivo de activación de inmunorreceptores basado en tirosina
Entry term(s) motivo ITAM
motivo activador de inmunorreceptores dependiente de tirosina
Scope note: SECUENCIA DE AMINOÁCIDOS conservada que se localiza en dominios intracelulares de una familia de proteínas transmembrana involucrada en diversas RESPUESTAS INMUNOLÓGICAS. La SECUENCIA DE CONSENSO de este motivo es YXXL(o I)X(6-8)YXXL(o I) (donde X puede ser cualquier aminoácido). Cuando motivos ITAM fosforilados disponen de puntos de acoplamiento para PROTEÍNA TIROSINA CINASAS de la familia Syk se forman complejos de señalización que llevan a la activación de respuestas inmunológicas.
Descriptor Portuguese: Motivo de Ativação do Imunorreceptor Baseado em Tirosina
Descriptor French: Motif d'activation de l'immunorécepteur dépendant de la tyrosine
Entry term(s): Immune Receptor Tyrosine Based Activation Motif
Immune Receptor Tyrosine-Based Activation Motif
Immuno Receptor Tyrosine Based Activation Motif
Immuno-Receptor Tyrosine-Based Activation Motif
Immunoreceptor Tyrosine Based Activation Motif
Tree number(s): G02.111.570.820.709.275.500.440
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A conserved AMINO ACID SEQUENCE located in the intracellular domains of a family of transmembrane proteins involved in various IMMUNE RESPONSES. The CONSENSUS SEQUENCE of this motif is YXXL(or I)X(6-8)YXXL(or I) (where X denotes any amino acid). When phosphorylated ITAM motifs provide docking sites for PROTEIN TYROSINE KINASES of the Syk family thus forming signaling complexes which lead to activation of immune responses.
Allowable Qualifiers: DE drug effects
GE genetics
IM immunology
PH physiology
RE radiation effects
Public MeSH Note: 2013
History Note: 2013
DeCS ID: 55098
Unique ID: D061625
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2013/01/01
Date of Entry: 2012/07/03
Revision Date: 2016/07/05
Immunoreceptor Tyrosine-Based Activation Motif - Preferred
Concept UI M0559749
Scope note A conserved AMINO ACID SEQUENCE located in the intracellular domains of a family of transmembrane proteins involved in various IMMUNE RESPONSES. The CONSENSUS SEQUENCE of this motif is YXXL(or I)X(6-8)YXXL(or I) (where X denotes any amino acid). When phosphorylated ITAM motifs provide docking sites for PROTEIN TYROSINE KINASES of the Syk family thus forming signaling complexes which lead to activation of immune responses.
Preferred term Immunoreceptor Tyrosine-Based Activation Motif
Entry term(s) Immune Receptor Tyrosine Based Activation Motif
Immune Receptor Tyrosine-Based Activation Motif
Immuno Receptor Tyrosine Based Activation Motif
Immuno-Receptor Tyrosine-Based Activation Motif
Immunoreceptor Tyrosine Based Activation Motif

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