Descriptor English: Fixed Oils
Descriptor Spanish: Aceites Fijos
Descriptor Portuguese: Óleos Fixos
Descriptor French: Huiles fixes
Tree number(s): SP6.090.324.215.401.488.736
Scope note: Vegetable oils that do not easily evaporate at room temperature, and that are studied in the broad areas of chemistry and pharmacology due to their properties and uses. They differ from essential oils in that they never completely volatilize and have a wide range of applications, from food industry to the cosmetics and skin care industries.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
Related: Dietary Fats MeSH
DeCS ID: 60400
Unique ID: DDCS060400
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date of Entry: 2023/09/19
Fixed Oils - Preferred
Concept UI FD00067613
Scope note Vegetable oils that do not easily evaporate at room temperature, and that are studied in the broad areas of chemistry and pharmacology due to their properties and uses. They differ from essential oils in that they never completely volatilize and have a wide range of applications, from food industry to the cosmetics and skin care industries.
Preferred term Fixed Oils

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