Descriptor English: Antigenic Variation
Descriptor Spanish: Variación Antigénica
Descriptor variación antigénica
Entry term(s) cambio antigénico
conmutación antigénica
diversidad antigénica
Scope note: Cambios del ANTÍGENO de superficie de un microorganismo. Hay dos tipos diferentes. Uno es un fenómeno asociado especialmente con los VIRUS DE LA INFLUENZA que presenta variación espontánea, tanto de grado menor, lenta (“drift”), como brusca y de grado mayor (“shift”) con emergencia súbita de nuevas cepas). El segundo tipo se produce cuando ciertos PARÁSITOS, especialmente tripanosomas, PLASMODIUM y BORRELIA, sobreviven a la respuesta inmune del huésped mediante cambios de la superficie (conmutación antigénica). (Herbert et al., The Dictionary of Immunology, 4th ed).
Descriptor Portuguese: Variação Antigênica
Descriptor French: Variation des antigènes
Entry term(s): Antigen Switching
Antigen Variation
Antigenic Diversity
Antigenic Switching
Antigenic Variability
Diversity, Antigenic
Switching, Antigen
Switching, Antigenic
Variability, Antigenic
Variation, Antigen
Variation, Antigenic
Tree number(s): G05.365.073
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Change in the surface ANTIGEN of a microorganism. There are two different types. One is a phenomenon, especially associated with INFLUENZA VIRUSES, where they undergo spontaneous variation both as slow antigenic drift and sudden emergence of new strains (antigenic shift). The second type is when certain PARASITES, especially trypanosomes, PLASMODIUM, and BORRELIA, survive the immune response of the host by changing the surface coat (antigen switching). (From Herbert et al., The Dictionary of Immunology, 4th ed)
Annotation: microbes only; ANTIBODY DIVERSITY is also available
Allowable Qualifiers: DE drug effects
GE genetics
IM immunology
PH physiology
RE radiation effects
Previous Indexing: Antigenic Determinants (1975-1987)
Genetics, Microbial (1973-1987)
Variation (Genetics) (1966-1987)
Public MeSH Note: 1988
History Note: 1988
DeCS ID: 22837
Unique ID: D000940
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1988/01/01
Date of Entry: 1987/05/11
Revision Date: 2008/07/08
Antigenic Variation - Preferred
Concept UI M0001406
Scope note Change in the surface ANTIGEN of a microorganism. There are two different types. One is a phenomenon, especially associated with INFLUENZA VIRUSES, where they undergo spontaneous variation both as slow antigenic drift and sudden emergence of new strains (antigenic shift). The second type is when certain PARASITES, especially trypanosomes, PLASMODIUM, and BORRELIA, survive the immune response of the host by changing the surface coat (antigen switching). (From Herbert et al., The Dictionary of Immunology, 4th ed)
Preferred term Antigenic Variation
Entry term(s) Antigen Variation
Antigenic Variability
Variability, Antigenic
Variation, Antigen
Variation, Antigenic
Antigenic Diversity - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M0413770
Scope note Antigenic variation as the pathogen passes through an entire host population rather than just a single host.
Preferred term Antigenic Diversity
Entry term(s) Diversity, Antigenic
Antigen Switching - Narrower
Concept UI M0001405
Preferred term Antigen Switching
Entry term(s) Antigenic Switching
Switching, Antigen
Switching, Antigenic

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