Descriptor English: Food Samples
Descriptor Spanish: Muestras de Alimentos
Descriptor muestras de alimentos
Entry term(s) muestreo alimentario
Scope note: Pequeñas cantidades extraídas de una porción mayor, que se evalúan o analizan con el fin de obtener información acerca de determinado alimento.
Descriptor Portuguese: Amostras de Alimentos
Descriptor French: Échantillons Alimentaires
Tree number(s): SP6.180.894.312.165
Scope note: Small quantities, extracted from a larger portion, evaluated or analysed with the purpose of obtaining information about a certain food.
Allowable Qualifiers: CH chemistry
DeCS ID: 24443
Unique ID: DDCS024443
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Food Samples - Preferred
Concept UI FD00057923
Scope note Small quantities, extracted from a larger portion, evaluated or analysed with the purpose of obtaining information about a certain food.
Preferred term Food Samples

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