Descriptor English: Formative Second Opinion
Descriptor Spanish: Segunda Opinión Formativa
Descriptor segunda opinión formativa
Scope note: La respuesta sistematizada, construida con base en revisión bibliográfica, en las mejores evidencias científicas y clínicas y en el papel ordenador de la atención básica a la salud, a preguntas originadas de las teleconsultorias, y seleccionadas a partir de criterios de relevancia y pertinencia en relación a las directrices del SUS. (Traducción libre del original:
Descriptor Portuguese: Segunda Opinião Formativa
Descriptor French: Deuxième Opinion Formative
Entry term(s): Second Formative Opinion
Tree number(s): SH1.
Scope note: Systematic response, based on a bibliographical review, on the best scientific and clinical evidence and on the basic role of health care, questions originated from teleconsulting, and selected based on criteria of relevance and pertinence in relation to SUS guidelines. (Free translation from the original:
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
History Note: 2019
DeCS ID: 57944
Unique ID: DDCS057944
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Formative Second Opinion - Preferred
Concept UI FD00062214
Scope note Systematic response, based on a bibliographical review, on the best scientific and clinical evidence and on the basic role of health care, questions originated from teleconsulting, and selected based on criteria of relevance and pertinence in relation to SUS guidelines. (Free translation from the original:
Preferred term Formative Second Opinion
Entry term(s) Second Formative Opinion

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