Descriptor English: Teleophthalmology
Descriptor Spanish: Teleoftalmología
Descriptor teleoftalmología
Entry term(s) tele-oftalmología
Scope note: La teleoftalmología es un método mediante el cual los problemas oculares de los pacientes pueden examinarse, investigarse, monitorearse y tratarse, aunque el especialista en atención ocular y el paciente se encuentren en diferentes áreas geográficas. La teleoftalmología actual, que abarca el acceso a especialistas en atención oftalmológica para pacientes ubicados en lugares remotos, incluye exámenes de detección de enfermedades oftálmicas, monitoreo, diagnóstico, manejo, intercambio de recursos médicos, colaboración en investigación y ensayos clínicos, aprendizaje a distancia y educación continua. (Traducción libre del original:
Descriptor Portuguese: Teleoftalmologia
Descriptor French: Téléophtalmologie
Entry term(s): Tele-Ophthalmology
Tree number(s): SP2.840.566.540
Scope note: Teleophthalmology is a method by which patients' eye-related problems can be examined, investigated, monitored, and treated, even though the eye care specialist and patient are located in different geographical areas. Today's teleophthalmology, which encompasses access to eye care specialists for remotely located patients, includes ophthalmic disease screening, monitoring, diagnosing, management, sharing of medical resources, collaboration on research and clinical trials, distance learning, and continuing education. (From:
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
History Note: 2019
DeCS ID: 57962
Unique ID: DDCS057962
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Teleophthalmology - Preferred
Concept UI FD00062230
Scope note Teleophthalmology is a method by which patients' eye-related problems can be examined, investigated, monitored, and treated, even though the eye care specialist and patient are located in different geographical areas. Today's teleophthalmology, which encompasses access to eye care specialists for remotely located patients, includes ophthalmic disease screening, monitoring, diagnosing, management, sharing of medical resources, collaboration on research and clinical trials, distance learning, and continuing education. (From:
Preferred term Teleophthalmology
Entry term(s) Tele-Ophthalmology

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