Descriptor English: Telemedicine for Rural and Remote Areas
Descriptor Spanish: Telemedicina para Zonas Rurales y Remotas
Descriptor telemedicina para zonas rurales y remotas
Entry term(s) telemedicina en asentamientos rurales
telemedicina en el ambiente rural
telemedicina en el medio rural
telemedicina en las zonas rurales
telemedicina para las rurales y remotas
telemedicina para las zonas rurales
telemedicina para las zonas rurales y de dificil acceso
telemedicina para zonas rurales
telemedicina para zonas rurales y de dificil acceso
telemedicina rural
Scope note: Con la creciente escasez de médicos en las áreas rurales, muchos servicios de salud ahora se ofrecen a los residentes de las comunidades rurales a través de algún tipo de telemedicina. (Traducción y adaptación de:
Descriptor Portuguese: Telemedicina para as Zonas Rurais e Remotas
Descriptor French: Télémédecine pour les Zones Rurales et Isolées
Entry term(s): Rural Telemedicine
Telemedicine for Rural Areas
Telemedicine for the Rural Population
Telemedicine in Rural Areas
Telemedicine in Rural Hospitals
Telemedicine in Rural Settlements
Telemedicine in the Rural Environment
Telemedicine, Rural
Tree number(s): SP2.840.566.360
Scope note: With growing shortages of doctors in rural areas, many healthcare services are now offered to residents of rural communities through some type of telemedicine. (Adapted from:
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
History Note: 2019
DeCS ID: 57956
Unique ID: DDCS057956
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Telemedicine for Rural and Remote Areas - Preferred
Concept UI FD00062226
Scope note With growing shortages of doctors in rural areas, many healthcare services are now offered to residents of rural communities through some type of telemedicine. (Adapted from:
Preferred term Telemedicine for Rural and Remote Areas
Entry term(s) Rural Telemedicine
Telemedicine for Rural Areas
Telemedicine for the Rural Population
Telemedicine in Rural Areas
Telemedicine in Rural Hospitals
Telemedicine in Rural Settlements
Telemedicine in the Rural Environment
Telemedicine, Rural

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