Descriptor English: Immune System Exhaustion
Descriptor Spanish: Agotamiento del Sistema Inmunológico
Descriptor agotamiento del sistema inmunitario
Entry term(s) agotamiento de las células NK
agotamiento de los linfocitos
agotamiento de los linfocitos B
agotamiento de los monocitos
agotamiento inmunitario
agotamiento linfocítico
agotamiento monocítico
agotamiento polilinfocítico
Scope note: Espectro de deterioro funcional en diversas poblaciones de linfocitos inducido por una estimulación antigénica continua. Existen semejanzas coincidentes con la SENESCENCIA CELULAR, la INMUNOSENESCENCIA, la SENESCENCIA DE LOS LINFOCITOS T y la ANERGIA CLONAL.
Descriptor Portuguese: Exaustão do Sistema Imunitário
Descriptor French: Épuisement du système immunitaire
Entry term(s): B Cell Exhaustion
B-Cell Exhaustion
Immune Exhaustion
Lymphocyte Exhaustion
Monocyte Exhaustion
NK Cell Exhaustion
Poly Lymphocyte Exhaustion
Poly-Lymphocyte Exhaustion
Tree number(s): G12.590
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A spectrum of functional deterioration in various lymphocyte populations that is induced by continuous antigenic stimulation. There are overlapping similarities with CELLULAR SENESCENCE; IMMUNOSENESCENCE; T-CELL SENESCENCE; and CLONAL ANERGY.
Allowable Qualifiers: DE drug effects
GE genetics
IM immunology
PH physiology
RE radiation effects
Public MeSH Note: 2024
History Note: 2024
DeCS ID: 60447
Unique ID: D000095842
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2024/01/01
Date of Entry: 2023/07/26
Revision Date: 2022/11/17
Immune System Exhaustion - Preferred
Concept UI M000758902
Scope note A spectrum of functional deterioration in various lymphocyte populations that is induced by continuous antigenic stimulation. There are overlapping similarities with CELLULAR SENESCENCE; IMMUNOSENESCENCE; T-CELL SENESCENCE; and CLONAL ANERGY.
Preferred term Immune System Exhaustion
Entry term(s) Immune Exhaustion
Monocyte Exhaustion - Related but not broader or narrower
Concept UI M000758906
Preferred term Monocyte Exhaustion
NK Cell Exhaustion - Narrower
Concept UI M000758904
Preferred term NK Cell Exhaustion
B-Cell Exhaustion - Narrower
Concept UI M000758905
Preferred term B-Cell Exhaustion
Entry term(s) B Cell Exhaustion
Poly-Lymphocyte Exhaustion - Narrower
Concept UI M000758903
Scope note Concurrent multiple types of lymphocyte exhaustion.
Preferred term Poly-Lymphocyte Exhaustion
Entry term(s) Poly Lymphocyte Exhaustion
Lymphocyte Exhaustion - Narrower
Concept UI M000759152
Preferred term Lymphocyte Exhaustion

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