Descriptor English: Cyanoacrylates
Descriptor Spanish: Cianoacrilatos
Descriptor cianoacrilatos
Scope note: Grupo de compuestos que tienen la fórmula general CH2=C(CN)-COOR; se polimeriza en contacto con la humedad; se utiliza como adhesivo tisular; los homólogos superiores tienen propiedades hemostáticas y antibacterianas.
Descriptor Portuguese: Cianoacrilatos
Descriptor French: Cyanoacrylates
Entry term(s): 2-Octyl-Cyanoacrylate
Tree number(s): D02.
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A group of compounds having the general formula CH2=C(CN)-COOR; it polymerizes on contact with moisture; used as tissue adhesive; higher homologs have hemostatic and antibacterial properties.
Allowable Qualifiers: AD administration & dosage
AE adverse effects
AN analysis
CH chemistry
CL classification
CS chemical synthesis
EC economics
HI history
IP isolation & purification
ME metabolism
PD pharmacology
PK pharmacokinetics
PO poisoning
RE radiation effects
SD supply & distribution
ST standards
TO toxicity
TU therapeutic use
Previous Indexing: Acetates (1966-1971)
Acrylates (1966-1971)
Tissue Adhesives (1966-1971)
Public MeSH Note: 72
History Note: 72
DeCS ID: 3507
Unique ID: D003487
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1972/01/01
Date of Entry: 1999/01/01
Revision Date: 2007/07/09
Cyanoacrylates - Preferred
Concept UI M0005439
Scope note A group of compounds having the general formula CH2=C(CN)-COOR; it polymerizes on contact with moisture; used as tissue adhesive; higher homologs have hemostatic and antibacterial properties.
Preferred term Cyanoacrylates
Entry term(s) Cyanoacrylate
2-Octyl-Cyanoacrylate - Narrower
Concept UI FD00068530
Preferred term 2-Octyl-Cyanoacrylate

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