Descriptor English: Integrin alphaXbeta2
Descriptor Spanish: Integrina alfaXbeta2
Descriptor integrina alfaXbeta2
Entry term(s) antígeno p150,95
proteína p150,95 de adhesión leucocitaria
Scope note: Importante molécula heterodimérica, asociada a la adhesión, que se expresa en MONOCITOS, GRANULOCITOS, CÉLULAS NK y algunos LINFOCITOS. La subunidad alfa es el ANTÍGENO CD11c, un antígeno de superficie que se expresa en algunas células mieloides. La subunidad beta es el ANTÍGENO CD18.
Descriptor Portuguese: Integrina alfaXbeta2
Descriptor French: Intégrine alphaX bêta2
Entry term(s): Antigen p150,95
Antigen, p150,95
CR4 Receptor
Complement Receptor 4
Complement Receptor Type 4
GP150, Neutrophil
Glycoprotein Gp150, Neutrophil
Glycoprotein, p150,95
Gp150, Neutrophil Glycoprotein
Integrin, alphaXbeta2
Leukocyte Adhesion Protein p150,95
Neutrophil GP150
Neutrophil Glycoprotein Gp150
Receptor, CR4
alphaXbeta2 Integrin
alphaXbeta2, Integrin
p150,95 Antigen
p150,95 Glycoprotein
Tree number(s): D12.776.395.550.200.275
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A major adhesion-associated heterodimer molecule expressed by MONOCYTES; GRANULOCYTES; NK CELLS; and some LYMPHOCYTES. The alpha subunit is the CD11C ANTIGEN, a surface antigen expressed on some myeloid cells. The beta subunit is the CD18 ANTIGEN.
Allowable Qualifiers: AD administration & dosage
AE adverse effects
AN analysis
BI biosynthesis
BL blood
CF cerebrospinal fluid
CH chemistry
CL classification
DE drug effects
EC economics
GE genetics
HI history
IM immunology
IP isolation & purification
ME metabolism
PD pharmacology
PH physiology
PO poisoning
RE radiation effects
TO toxicity
TU therapeutic use
UL ultrastructure
UR urine
Previous Indexing: Antigens, Differentiation (1988-1990)
Receptors, Leukocyte-Adhesion (1989-1990)
Public MeSH Note: 2003; see COMPLEMENT 4-BINDING PROTEIN 2002, see ANTIGEN P150,95 1991-2001; INTEGRIN APHAXBETA2 was indexed under MEMBRANE GLYCOPROTEINS 1988-2002 & GLYCOPROTEINS 1985-1987
History Note: 2003 (1991); use INTEGRIN ALPHAXBETA2 (NM) 1985-2002
DeCS ID: 28862
Unique ID: D016167
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1991/01/01
Date of Entry: 1990/04/24
Revision Date: 2006/07/05
Integrin alphaXbeta2 - Preferred
Concept UI M0024681
Scope note A major adhesion-associated heterodimer molecule expressed by MONOCYTES; GRANULOCYTES; NK CELLS; and some LYMPHOCYTES. The alpha subunit is the CD11C ANTIGEN, a surface antigen expressed on some myeloid cells. The beta subunit is the CD18 ANTIGEN.
Preferred term Integrin alphaXbeta2
Entry term(s) Antigen p150,95
Antigen, p150,95
CR4 Receptor
Complement Receptor 4
Complement Receptor Type 4
GP150, Neutrophil
Glycoprotein Gp150, Neutrophil
Glycoprotein, p150,95
Gp150, Neutrophil Glycoprotein
Integrin, alphaXbeta2
Leukocyte Adhesion Protein p150,95
Neutrophil GP150
Neutrophil Glycoprotein Gp150
Receptor, CR4
alphaXbeta2 Integrin
alphaXbeta2, Integrin
p150,95 Antigen
p150,95 Glycoprotein

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