Descriptor English: Nuclease Protection Assays
Descriptor Spanish: Ensayos de Protección de Nucleasas
Descriptor análisis de protección frente a nucleasas
Scope note: Técnicas para medir la interacción específica de un ácido nucleico específico con otro ácido nucleico o con una proteína por digestión del ácido nucleico no interactivo por diversas nucleasas. Después de la eliminación por digestión por nucleasas de todas las regiones que no interactúan se analiza el ácido nucleico protegido restante. La técnica de HUELLA DEL ADN utiliza esta técnica para analizar los sitios de contacto del ADN de las PROTEÍNAS DE UNIÓN AL ADN.
Descriptor Portuguese: Ensaios de Proteção de Nucleases
Descriptor French: Techniques de protection à la nucléase
Entry term(s): Assay, Nuclease Protection
Assays, Nuclease Protection
Nuclease Protection Assay
Tree number(s): E05.393.600
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Techniques for measuring specific nucleic acid interaction with another nucleic acid or with a protein by digestion of the non-interacting nucleic acid by various nucleases. After all non-interacting regions are eliminated by nuclease digestion, the protected nucleic acid that remains is analyzed. DNA FOOTPRINTING utilizes this technique to analyze the DNA contact sites of DNA-BINDING PROTEINS.
Allowable Qualifiers: CL classification
EC economics
ES ethics
HI history
IS instrumentation
MT methods
SN statistics & numerical data
ST standards
TD trends
VE veterinary
Public MeSH Note: 2001
History Note: 2001
DeCS ID: 35407
Unique ID: D023282
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2001/01/01
Date of Entry: 2000/06/21
Revision Date: 2013/07/09
Nuclease Protection Assays - Preferred
Concept UI M0361086
Scope note Techniques for measuring specific nucleic acid interaction with another nucleic acid or with a protein by digestion of the non-interacting nucleic acid by various nucleases. After all non-interacting regions are eliminated by nuclease digestion, the protected nucleic acid that remains is analyzed. DNA FOOTPRINTING utilizes this technique to analyze the DNA contact sites of DNA-BINDING PROTEINS.
Preferred term Nuclease Protection Assays
Entry term(s) Assay, Nuclease Protection
Assays, Nuclease Protection
Nuclease Protection Assay

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