Descriptor English: Substrate Cycling
Descriptor Spanish: Ciclo del Sustrato
Descriptor ciclación de sustratos
Entry term(s) ciclación fútil
Scope note: Conjunto de reacciones desequilibradas de oposición, catalizadas por diversos enzimas que actúan simultáneamente con, al menos, una de las reacciones impulsadas por la hidrólisis de ATP. Los resultados del ciclo son que la energía del ATP se agota, produciéndose calor, sin obtenerse ninguna conversión neta de sustrato a producto. Como ejemplos de ciclos de sustrato tenemos el ciclo de las vías de gluconeogénesis y glicólisis, y las vías de triglicéridos y ácidos grasos. Las tasas de los ciclos de sustratos pueden incrementarse en muchas veces cuando se asocian a estados hipermetabólicos resultantes de quemaduras graves, exposición al frío, hipertiroidismo, o ejercicio agudo.
Descriptor Portuguese: Ciclização de Substratos
Descriptor French: Recyclage du substrat
Entry term(s): Cycle, Futile
Cycle, Futile Substrate
Cycles, Futile
Cycles, Futile Substrate
Cycling, Futile
Cycling, Futile Substrate
Cycling, Substrate
Cyclings, Futile
Cyclings, Futile Substrate
Cyclings, Substrate
Futile Cycle
Futile Cycles
Futile Cycling
Futile Cyclings
Futile Substrate Cycle
Futile Substrate Cycles
Futile Substrate Cycling
Futile Substrate Cyclings
Substrate Cycle, Futile
Substrate Cycles, Futile
Substrate Cycling, Futile
Substrate Cyclings
Substrate Cyclings, Futile
Tree number(s): G02.111.833
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A set of opposing, nonequilibrium reactions catalyzed by different enzymes which act simultaneously, with at least one of the reactions driven by ATP hydrolysis. The results of the cycle are that ATP energy is depleted, heat is produced and no net substrate-to-product conversion is achieved. Examples of substrate cycling are cycling of gluconeogenesis and glycolysis pathways and cycling of the triglycerides and fatty acid pathways. Rates of substrate cycling may be increased many-fold in association with hypermetabolic states resulting from severe burns, cold exposure, hyperthyroidism, or acute exercise.
Annotation: restricted to enzyme activity; almost never IM; coord NIM with specific enzyme (IM)
Allowable Qualifiers: DE drug effects
GE genetics
IM immunology
PH physiology
RE radiation effects
Previous Indexing: Energy Metabolism (1975-1988)
specific substance/metabolism (1975-1988)
Public MeSH Note: 89
History Note: 89
DeCS ID: 23842
Unique ID: D015219
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1989/01/01
Date of Entry: 1988/05/11
Revision Date: 2016/07/01
Substrate Cycling - Preferred
Concept UI M0023381
Scope note A set of opposing, nonequilibrium reactions catalyzed by different enzymes which act simultaneously, with at least one of the reactions driven by ATP hydrolysis. The results of the cycle are that ATP energy is depleted, heat is produced and no net substrate-to-product conversion is achieved. Examples of substrate cycling are cycling of gluconeogenesis and glycolysis pathways and cycling of the triglycerides and fatty acid pathways. Rates of substrate cycling may be increased many-fold in association with hypermetabolic states resulting from severe burns, cold exposure, hyperthyroidism, or acute exercise.
Preferred term Substrate Cycling
Entry term(s) Cycling, Substrate
Cyclings, Substrate
Substrate Cyclings
Futile Cycles - Narrower
Concept UI M0023382
Preferred term Futile Cycles
Entry term(s) Cycle, Futile
Cycle, Futile Substrate
Cycles, Futile
Cycles, Futile Substrate
Cycling, Futile
Cycling, Futile Substrate
Cyclings, Futile
Cyclings, Futile Substrate
Futile Cycle
Futile Cycling
Futile Cyclings
Futile Substrate Cycle
Futile Substrate Cycles
Futile Substrate Cycling
Futile Substrate Cyclings
Substrate Cycle, Futile
Substrate Cycles, Futile
Substrate Cycling, Futile
Substrate Cyclings, Futile

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