Descriptor English: Foods of Confectionery
Descriptor Spanish: Alimentos de Confitería
Descriptor productos de confitería
Entry term(s) alimentos de confitería
productos de repostería
Scope note: Productos obtenidos mediante la cocción de masas preparadas a base de harina, levaduras y otras sustancias de alimentación, dulces o saladas, rellenas o no.
Descriptor Portuguese: Alimentos de Confeitaria
Descriptor French: Aliments de Confiserie
Entry term(s): Confectionery Foods
Products of Confectionery
Tree number(s): VS2.
Scope note: Those obtained by proper cooking of dough prepared with flour, starches and other food substances, sweet or savory, filled or not.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 51380
Unique ID: DDCS051380
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Foods of Confectionery - Preferred
Concept UI FD00061582
Scope note Those obtained by proper cooking of dough prepared with flour, starches and other food substances, sweet or savory, filled or not.
Preferred term Foods of Confectionery
Entry term(s) Confectionery Foods
Products of Confectionery

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