Descriptor English: Ice-cold Foods
Descriptor Spanish: Helados Comestibles
Descriptor helados y granizados
Entry term(s) polo
polos helados
Scope note: Productos de alimentación compuestos por una emulsión de grasas y proteínas, con o sin adición de otros ingredientes o sustancias, o una mezcla de agua, azúcar y otros ingredientes y sustancias heladas.
Descriptor Portuguese: Gelados Comestíveis
Descriptor French: Aliments Glacés
Entry term(s): Ice Foods
Ice Lolly
Tree number(s): VS2.
Scope note: Food products made ​​from an emulsion of fat and protein, with or without the addition of other ingredients or substances, or a mixture of water, sugar and other ingredients and frozen substances.
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 51359
Unique ID: DDCS051359
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Ice-cold Foods - Preferred
Concept UI FD00061563
Scope note Food products made ​​from an emulsion of fat and protein, with or without the addition of other ingredients or substances, or a mixture of water, sugar and other ingredients and frozen substances.
Preferred term Ice-cold Foods
Entry term(s) Ice Foods
Ice Lolly

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