Descriptor English: Foods Modified by Air Incorporation
Descriptor Spanish: Alimentos Modificados por la Incorporación de Aire
Descriptor alimentos modificados mediante la incorporación de aire
Entry term(s) alimentos aireados
Scope note: Alimentos que han disminuido su densidad en un veinticinco por ciento o más, en peso, respecto de los mismos alimentos en su forma convencional (una tableta de chocolate aireado comparada con una tableta de chocolate normal)
Descriptor Portuguese: Alimentos Modificados pela Incorporação de Ar
Descriptor French: Aliments Modifiés par l'Incorporation de l'Air
Entry term(s): Airy Foods
Tree number(s): VS2.
Scope note: Foods that have decreased their density in twenty-five percent or more in weight, when compared with food in its conventional form (aerated chocolate bar compared with conventional chocolate bar).
Allowable Qualifiers: No qualifiers
DeCS ID: 51384
Unique ID: DDCS051384
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Foods Modified by Air Incorporation - Preferred
Concept UI FD00061586
Scope note Foods that have decreased their density in twenty-five percent or more in weight, when compared with food in its conventional form (aerated chocolate bar compared with conventional chocolate bar).
Preferred term Foods Modified by Air Incorporation
Entry term(s) Airy Foods

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