Descriptor English: Activin Receptors
Descriptor Spanish: Receptores de Activinas
Descriptor receptores de activinas
Entry term(s) cinasas similares a los receptores de activina
quinasas similares a los receptores de activina
Scope note: Los receptores de activina son proteína cinasas de membrana que pertenecen a la familia de las PROTEÍNA-SERINA-TREONINA- CINASAS, denominadas por lo tanto receptor-like de activina (ALK). Los receptores de activina se unen también al factor beta de crecimiento transformante. Como los receptores transmembranarios de la superfamilia TGF-beta (RECEPTORES DE FACTOR TRANSFORMADOR DE CRECIMIENTO BETA), los ALK constan de dos proteína cinasas diferentes pero relacioandas, Tipo I y Tipo II. Las activinas inician la transducción de señales celulares uniéndose en primer lugar a los receptores de tipo II (RECEPTORES DE ACTIVINA TIPO II) que a continuación reclutan y fosforilan los receptores de tipo I (RECEPTORES DE ACTIVINA TIPO I) con la posterior activación de la actividad cinásica de tipo I.
Descriptor Portuguese: Receptores de Ativinas
Descriptor French: Récepteur activine
Entry term(s): Activin Receptor
Activin Receptor like Kinase
Activin Receptor like Kinases
Activin Receptor-Like Kinases
Activin Receptor-like Kinase
Kinase, Activin Receptor-like
Kinases, Activin Receptor-like
Receptor, Activin
Receptor-like Kinase, Activin
Receptor-like Kinases, Activin
Tree number(s): D08.811.913.696.620.682.700.062
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: Receptors for ACTIVINS are membrane protein kinases belonging to the family of PROTEIN-SERINE-THREONINE KINASES, thus also named activin receptor-like kinases (ALK's). Activin receptors also bind TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR BETA. As those transmembrane receptors of the TGF-beta superfamily (RECEPTORS, TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR BETA), ALK's consist of two different but related protein kinases, Type I and Type II. Activins initiate cellular signal transduction by first binding to the type II receptors (ACTIVIN RECEPTORS, TYPE II ) which then recruit and phosphorylate the type I receptors (ACTIVIN RECEPTORS, TYPE I ) with subsequent activation of the type I kinase activity.
Allowable Qualifiers: AD administration & dosage
AE adverse effects
AI antagonists & inhibitors
AN analysis
BI biosynthesis
BL blood
CF cerebrospinal fluid
CH chemistry
CL classification
CS chemical synthesis
DE drug effects
DF deficiency
EC economics
GE genetics
HI history
IM immunology
IP isolation & purification
ME metabolism
PD pharmacology
PH physiology
PK pharmacokinetics
PO poisoning
RE radiation effects
SD supply & distribution
ST standards
TO toxicity
TU therapeutic use
UL ultrastructure
UR urine
Registry Number: EC
Previous Indexing: Protein-Serine-Threonine Kinases (1993-2001)
Receptors, Cell Surface (1989-1992)
Public MeSH Note: 2002; ACTIVIN RECEPTORS was indexed under RECEPTORS, GROWTH FACTOR
History Note: 2002; use ACTIVIN RECEPTORS (NM) 1991-2001
DeCS ID: 36116
Unique ID: D029404
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 2002/01/01
Date of Entry: 2001/07/25
Revision Date: 2009/07/06
Activin Receptors - Preferred
Concept UI M0229093
Scope note Receptors for ACTIVINS are membrane protein kinases belonging to the family of PROTEIN-SERINE-THREONINE KINASES, thus also named activin receptor-like kinases (ALK's). Activin receptors also bind TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR BETA. As those transmembrane receptors of the TGF-beta superfamily (RECEPTORS, TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR BETA), ALK's consist of two different but related protein kinases, Type I and Type II. Activins initiate cellular signal transduction by first binding to the type II receptors (ACTIVIN RECEPTORS, TYPE II ) which then recruit and phosphorylate the type I receptors (ACTIVIN RECEPTORS, TYPE I ) with subsequent activation of the type I kinase activity.
Preferred term Activin Receptors
Entry term(s) Activin Receptor
Activin Receptor like Kinase
Activin Receptor like Kinases
Activin Receptor-Like Kinases
Activin Receptor-like Kinase
Kinase, Activin Receptor-like
Kinases, Activin Receptor-like
Receptor, Activin
Receptor-like Kinase, Activin
Receptor-like Kinases, Activin

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